Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween x4


      So how many times did you get to celebrate Halloween this year?  Not counting an adult party that Jason and I went to, we did it 4 times.

  The first was over a week ago, when we went to Trunk or Treat at Jason’s mom’s ward.  It was a good run-thru to make sure all the parts of the costumes fit and how Grady was going to do in his Minnesota-winter Dalmatian costume. 

Our next celebration was Trunk or Treat at our ward. In my opinion, this is our real Halloween celebration.  We get to visit with all of our friends, see all the kids dressed up so cute, and we know any candy the kids collect is safe. 

This year, we actually had a theme in the family -  Jakers was a firefighter and Grady was a Dalmatian.  Emma chose to be a veterinarian. (In case the dog got hurt.)   Even our stroller got into the spirit and dressed up as a fire truck.


The kids had a great time playing games, and it turns out that Emma and Jake both had great aim – they made it through the clown and into the toilet!

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  Grady seemed to have a great time just relaxing in the stroller and sampling the candy.


    The third celebration was actually two separate parties – Emma had a “Storybook Character” parade at school and Jake class went trick or treating at the office complex that is attached to the school.  Well, Jake’s class went trick or treating.  Jake, not so much….



    Even though it was Jake’s turn to have Mommy at school, I guess he might have been better off without me.

Emma got to have Grady and Nina though, so she wasn’t too upset. At least I was able to get her ready for school before passing her off.



  I love that Emma’s teacher dressed up like the Cat in the Hat! By the way – look closely and you might spot someone you know in this shot!

     Finally Saturday arrived and with it the big day.  Unfortunately, so did a sinus infection.  I woke up just miserable, and after a long phone call to my OB, it was decided that because of my drug allergies and the baby, there were no antibiotics that were safe to prescribe.  Instead, I got fluids and bed rest.  I couldn’t take my babies trick or treating!

   Thankfully, they have a great daddy that was brave enough to take them.  Well, he got lucky and only had to take Emma and Grady.  Jake wasn’t feeling well and refused to even look at his costume, so the two of us sat on the couch, ate pizza, and watched TV. 

   It certainly didn’t turn out to be the Halloween I had in mind, but it was sweet time for Jakers and I, and Emma got Daddy pretty much to herself.  As for Grady, he sat quietly in the stroller and collected candy – and he didn’t melt in his costume.


Katheryn said...

We all loved your costumes. And I just loved that you decorated the stroller too! It was perfect! Sorry you have a sinus infection. Girl, you need to stop getting sick! But at least you had a nice quiet evening alone with Jake. I'm sure that made up for everything :)

Mandi said...

We did all love your costume. I hope you fell better and I am glad you got some one on one time with Jakers. Cute pics of jake at school and Emma looks adorable!

Kelly said...

You worked Mom.. That lil family of yours and Stroller was Great! So Cute.. and you are pulling this all off being prego & all.Amazing!
I am soooo sorry you are sick again.... You are in my prayers... I heard sneaking the kids Halloween treats cures all sinus infections? Give it a shot! I did see someone special in that photo.. some Foxy Mom and that darling lil bumble bee. Fun!
Happy to hear you help still and ate a little pizza! Just what you needed!~ Take it easy!
xoxoxo Call me if you need anything! I will call and check on you too!

Kelly said...

opps I am struggling.. not help still Held still

Kim Jarvis said...

Sounds like your Halloween was a lot like ours - I think we had 5 parties! Crazy! But, I'm not pregnant!!!!! Girl! What are we gonna do with you?