Saturday, December 19, 2009


Yep, that’s me. I could use the excuse that I have been really busy, but I know all my other mommy friends have been just as (if not) busier than me.  I could use the excuse that I haven’t been feeling up to par, but since the whole swine flu thing I’ve been off my game and still managed to post a couple of times.  The only excuse I have this time is I’m lazy, and forgetful. Every time I powered up the computer to start blogging I would think of another website I needed to check, or an email I needed to return, or some other thing and before I knew it the laptop was turned off and I had (again) forgotten to post anything.

  Well, no excuses this time.  I am currently attached to a hospital bed by no less than 4 tethers (fetal heart monitor, contraction monitor, BP cuff, and IV)…and I will be until they decide to deliver this baby.  I have been given a chance to catch up.

   I am currently 34 weeks and 5 days pregnant.  I am also having runs of high blood pressure that is breaking through the medication, and labs that slightly indicate pre-eclampsia.  It is too dangerous to send me home – the condition could worsen to a coma stage in less than an hour without constant monitoring and medications.  My doctor consulted with my high risk doctor last night and agreed that my course of treatment was “clear as mud”.  If I were 36 weeks, they would have already delivered Gretchen, but only being 34.5…they need to wait.  If my blood pressure continues to rise, or if the protein markers in my lab work  increase, or if I go into labor naturally (which could happen, I am 3cm dilated)  they will deliver.  If not, they will consider delivering Monday, when I roll over to 35 weeks. 

   I can understand the caution, but if they don’t induce Monday, I will probably be here for Christmas.  This especially upsets me because of the visitation rules – due to flu risks, no children under five are allowed to visit.  We could bring Christmas here, but not without my whole family.  It has barely been 24 hours, and already I am missing them like crazy.

  At least I get to see Emma.  She prepared for her visit! She made me a craft (with a little help) and picked out flowers:


And she brought me friends to keep me company:


I love the beds she created for them in my bedside table.

     I am trying to be a trooper through all of this, but I miss my family and I hate all the Christmas things I am missing like the ward party,  “Christmas” sacrament meeting, baking cookies with the kids, Christmas lights, and all that fun stuff.   I keep telling myself that this is all happening for a reason, and it is all the will of Heavenly Father.  I am just not good at accepting trials with grace! I have been shown many times though…

  Ye can not behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation.  For after much tribulation come the blessings.   (Doctrine & Covenants 58: 3&4)

   This is but a small bit of tribulation in the grand scheme of eternity, and enough of me complaining.  Just say a prayer for us and hopefully I’ll (and Gretchen) be home for Christmas.

   In the meantime, check back often.  I just might go backwards and catch up on all the year’s excitement I never posted!


Mandi said...

I love you! You just sit back and enjoy the break! At least try to look at it that way! We will take care of the kids and you take care of you and Gretchen! Deal? If you need anything call me! Hope you feel better and COME HOME BEFORE CHRISTMAS WITH A ADORABLE HEALTHY BABY AND YOU! LOVE YA!

Katheryn said...

I've got my fingers crossed that you'll be home for Christmas!!! We'll be praying for you. We'll be back in town on Tuesday, so if you need some baby sitting, tell your Mom or Jason to give me a call and I'll come pick them up. Love you!

The Sauls Family said...

Holy cow!! I didn't realize you were that close to "the end". I'm so sorry you're stuck in the hospital, especially at Christmas time. You are in my prayers for a safe delivery!

Janie Mueller said...

Please know that your family is in our prayers. We will do whatever is neeeded to help out. Take care of yourself and we can't wait to meet your newest Howle addition. P.S. You have yourself a wonderful husband and father to your beautiful babies:)