Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Jakers!

  It’s hard to believe that our little guy is four years old!  What’s even more amazing is everything he has accomplished. He can walk, run, jump, climb, swim, feed himself, dress (and undress!) himself, and he is starting to put words into sentences.IMG_0439

 Not to mention how sweet and loving he is – there is nothing like a Jaker Monkey Hug!

We were camping this weekend, so he got to share his birthday cake with some wonderful friends, but not before taste testing it first.IMG_0437


We are so lucky that Heavenly Father chose to bless our family with such a strong, special spirit.  Everyday is a new adventure for us, and another reason to celebrate.  So, happy birthday, little man! Thanks for choosing us to be your parents.

1 comment:

Katheryn said...

Jake licking the side of the cake was just the cutest thing ever! We were so happy to get to celebrate his birthday with him!