Thursday, March 5, 2009

Where’s Jake?


So even though Emma begged to have her own room back last year, the kids want to sleep together quite frequently.  I gave in the other night and when I went in to check on them, this is what I saw:


So where was Jake?  I could hear him snoring, but he was no where to be seen. I checked under the bed (believe me, I have found him sleeping under there more often than you would think) but no Jake. Then I pulled back the covers:




 I am glad my children sleep like rocks, because otherwise my laughter would have woken them for sure.  Notice how Emma’s foot is lovingly curled around her brother’s cheek, and his hand resting on her leg.  Of course, you can also see that big sister has all three pillows. 

I rearranged them and they slept like the sweet angels they are for the rest of the night…oh, to sleep like a child again!


1 comment:

Katheryn said...

So cute. They have such a wonderful relationship. It is precious.