Monday, March 2, 2009

Just another manic Monday....

Thanks to Katheryn, I now have a pretty background. Maybe soon I can learn how to make my own and customize the whole thing. Though I should probably vacuum and finish the laundry first. (and post some pics)

We went to visit my mom tonight for Family Home Evening. She has been in the hospital now for almost two weeks, and mentally she is falling apart. She hates being cooped up, and she misses her grandbabies like crazy. The first couple of times we visited, Emma was a little scared of all the tubes and equipment. We have talked a lot about it, and tonight when we got there she curled up on the bed next to Nina and cuddled for a few minutes. When we were leaving I told Emma that I thought her cuddles probably helped Nina more than anything. Emma replied that Daddy's blessing probably helped more. There isn't a day that goes by that my five year old doesn't make me stop and thank Heavenly Father for the gift of raising her. (of course, I usually have to ask for patience as well.)

Jake's school nurse has ended up on my knit list (like Madame Defarge). This is the second week in a row that I have had to either pull him out of school or keep him home for some imagined illness. Last week it was red eyes and crustys, which the doctor assured us was not pink eye. Today he gets sent home with a note saying he has a rash and can not come back to school until he has been seen and treated for 24 hours. I still can't find the rash. So now I have to spend another $20 and rearrange my day. I love my little man, but I really need the break from him that school gives me. Plus, he has his testing at Hope Haven on Wednesday, so I will have him all day then, too. Oh, it sounds like I hate spending time with Jakers, but I don't! He is just such a handful and needs constant attention. It is almost like having a 40 lb newborn. But when he turns that smile on and gives one of his Jaker monkey hugs it is all worth it.

In happier news, Grady has two teeth now! He cut the first one (bottom right) on Thursday, and the second (bottom left) on Friday. It wasn't there before dinner, and right after dinner I rubbed his gums again and there it was! I am going to miss that toothless grin, though.


Katheryn said...

Emma is such a sweetie! While I think she is right that the priesthood blessing probably is the biggest help, I really do think that Emma loving on your mom really helped her a lot. I hope she feels better soon. Be sure to call me when you find out when she is coming home from the hospital.

Unknown said...

Ok, I had no idea that your mom is sick! How is she? What happened? How can I help? I love that your blogging now. I can keep up with you and your family! Please let me help somehow. You know I'm good for it...whatever you guys need. Tell Jason we said hi!