Sunday, March 8, 2009

Zoo Trip!

  We had been promising Emma all week a trip to the zoo on Saturday, so even though Grady woke up vomiting and with a fever of 103.4, we packed the diaper bag with Pedialyte and went to the zoo. (A phone call to the pedatrician assured us it was a 24-hr stomach virus)  cell phone pics001As you can tell, he was super excited for his first trip to the zoo.  The poor little guy slept most of the trip, but this was about the happiest he got.

Unfortunetly, I didn’t get many pictures at all because when I packed the camera I forgot to put my memory card in it! You can only imagine the cry of dismay when I got the “No Card” message after snapping a picture of Jake trying to crawl through the fence to pet the giraffe.   I didn’t even remember that my cell now has a SD card so I can take pictures with it and download them until we were close to leaving. I did manage to get a couple of cute ones on the Wildlife Carousel.  I would like to point out that Jake chose to ride Renegade!cell phone pics004_edited   We had a good time, and we are looking forward to going back soon – so Mommy can use her new camera!  cell phone pics007_edited

   In other news, my mom came home on Friday night! We are all so excited to have her home safe, and hope that the two weeks of  IV antibiotics and home health will get her all the way healed.  Thanks to all of you that have prayed for her and our family, visited, called, sent dinners and everything else.  We are so blessed to have all of you as friends!

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