Monday, April 20, 2009

Eternally Yours


7 years ago yesterday, Jason and I were sealed for time and all eternity in the Orlando Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was a long journey for us both, but well worth it!

We met in January of 1996, at the University of Central Florida. Jason was a second semester freshman, and I was a transfer student (from Florida State) that should have been ready to graduate. I was out rush party hopping with my sorority sisters, newly broken up with my boyfriend of 3 years. We headed to a party where my Pi Phi sister Anna was hunting down a boy she had met in her art history class. The Phi Delta Thetas were unlike any other fraternity boys we had met – they were polite! They weren’t yelling and throwing things! I met a wonderful guy that night, and his name was….Rob! I actually didn’t meet Jason until a couple of nights later.

Soon Rob and I were dating, and all my free time was spent at the Phi Delt house. Jason became my “Big Brother”, and pool partner. He was such a great guy, I even set one of my sisters up with him. When Rob broke my heart (right before finals), Jason was there to pick up the pieces and help me study. Before long, we admitted what was going on was far more than friendship. I guess you could call that our “once upon a time”.

We had been dating a couple of months before he told me all about eternal families. I was so excited that he took me that night and showed me one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen – the Orlando Temple, with a spotlight on Moroni. I wasn’t even a member of the church at that point, but I knew we were going to get married in that beautiful place.

We had some ups and downs the next few years, but on April 19, 2002 we finally made it to the sealing room. I can not explain the comfort that I have knowing that no matter what happens in this life, no matter what this world can throw at us, our family will be together for eternity.

Because my family are not members, and most of Jason’s family aren’t members, we had a Ring Ceremony the next day. It gave my dad a chance to walk me down the aisle and all of our parents see us exchange rings. scan0004

It was a sunny day, and the “wedding” and reception were great, but nothing compared to the previous day at the temple.


I am looking forward to taking the kids to Orlando this summer and taking them to the temple grounds and showing them where Mommy and Daddy got married.

Oh, and just one of those really neat things that just happen – check out the program from Sacrament yesterday:

scan0001Emma thought it was us!


Katheryn said...

Happy Anniversary! You guys are so cute. You know that I love you and your little family.

The Sauls Family said...

Happy Anniversary!!

I don't know if you remember coming over and meeting James and I outside of the temple after we were married. It was the first time we met, and I was so touched that y'all were there with us. I know people love the Salt Lake Temple, but I'd take Orlando over it any day!

Ilene said...

Happy Anniversary!!! We love you Guys! What a wonderful story! Don't they always sound picture perfect!

Kim Jarvis said...

What a sweet post.
Curtis and I were actually in the endowment room with you when you got your endowments. I'm sure you never knew that since we never said anything (I don't think). I just remember that we both recognized Jason and it was obvious that he was escorting you through. What a special day! Glad that we could witness it.