Sunday, March 1, 2009

By Popular Demand....

I have finally given in. One of my favorite friends keeps telling me to start a blog so I can share all the funny stories of my kids, and post some of the pictures from my new toy, a Canon Rebel.
I like the idea of blogging, keeping a journal of sorts, I just don't know if I can keep it up! But, I will do my best...
Today is Sunday, church day for our family. This morning was special because Jason assisted in blessing the new baby boy of our friends the Jammes. He said that he loved blessing babies because he loves to look down at them while they are being blessed to see how happy and content they are being bounced in the circle of Priesthood holders. He said that it was a special because it is one of the only moments daddies share with their babies that mommies won't!
Later on this afternoon, Emma wrote and illustrasted a book she called "Priesthood Power". It said that the Priesthood could help you when you are sick. She drew two pictures, one of Priesthood holders annointing a sick child, and one of a baby being blessed. She is such a sweet girl, and so bright! I just hope that I can remember to help her spirit grow and not be so hard on her when she gets in her Diva moods....


Katheryn said...

Yeah!!!!! I'm so glad you started a blog. I can't wait to see all your cute pictures and read about all the things you guys are doing. You totally just made my day :)

The Sauls Family said...

YAY! Another blog to stalk! :P

Now let's see some pictures of those adorable kiddos!