Saturday, August 15, 2009

Swimming, Anyone?


   To say we got some rain yesterday would be an understatement.  It poured. It was what my mom calls a “frog strangler”.  At one point Jason went outside to grab something out of his car and he came back inside and told me to get the camera.  When I asked why, he told me the water was ankle deep in our driveway.  It though he was exaggerating.  After all, we have lived in this house for 7 years.  In all that time, including one hurricane and many tropical systems, our yard has never flooded. It hasn’t even come close.  So I went outside and this is what I found:


That lighter color in the bottom of the picture is our driveway.


  Then we called Emma to come see all the water.  She didn’t think it was as neat as we did.


  Later that evening, Jason’s mom was supposed to pick Emma up to spend the night.  It didn’t quite work the way we planned – instead of Grammy coming to get Emma from us, Jason had to walk her (and her multitude of stuff) up to the front of the neighborhood.  When he got back, he said that there were a bunch of cars parked up there – our little subdivision was truly flooded and nobody could get home!

1 comment:

Katheryn said...

I can't believe the street looked like that! It was so crazy how fast that rain came down. We got so much in such a short time!!!!!!